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My tasty treats

Enjoy these delicious and healthy recipes

My Tasty Treats Recipes

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My Tasty Treats

Treat yourself to these delicious snacks and meals that are packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that will fuel your body and keep you healthy. The best treat meals are the ones that are easy to make, taste great, and fill you up without weighing you down — like these healthy recipes.


You won't feel guilty when you consider these 4 rewards for clean eating:


1. A nutritious meal while on a diet will keep your hormones at the right levels in your body


2. Rules need common sense. You can stick to your diet rules and still enjoy a treat meal that won't set you back.


3. Choose wisely is to eat what you want and not what you can. Pick something that you've wanted to eat and you know tastes good.


4. Enjoy what you like — even carbs or healthy fats — with treat meals that keep you well, fit and energized.


So don't feel guilty when you finally enjoy a good meal, drink or snack. You should enjoy your treat meal and think of it as a reward for doing good. The benefits are very clear and it won't set you back reaching your dream goal.


If you're having a hard time deciding on the right diet, get in touch. Together, we can decide what and how much you should be eating to keep keep your metabolism revved while getting the nutrition you need to enjoy a healthy and more active lifestyle.